Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at Video Music Awards ceremony. I hadn't seen either video, but saw a YouTube video of a baby dancing to the "Single Ladies" video. There are several clips of kids 3 years or younger dancing to the song, but the clip with the baby is pretty incredible.
Babies are not affected by an artist's fame or popular acclaim. They like what they like. The babies don't understand every word, but many of them sing along when the song goes "Uh oh, oh OH OH OH oh." I guess that's one of the first meaningful sounds a baby utters (Uh oh).
I watched Taylor Swift's video for comparison and it was OK. Girl next door. But different people have different tastes in music, so it's hard to rate one song or video as better than another, especially from different genres.
The press coverage showed Kanye West before the ceremony holding a bottle of something or other. Alcohol can dampen one's inhibitions.
I don't know if the video is one of the best of all time, though the song is catchy and her dancing fetching. Being in black-and-white gives the video a directness and immediacy. Good choice by the director.
YouTube removed many repostings, but the original video is still there as of this writing, along with many other babies dancing dancing dancing away.