George Carlin once said all other drivers are either morons or maniacs.
You're driving along, and the person in front of you is going slower than you. You think to yourself, "What a moron."
But you're driving along and somebody passes you, and you think, "Look at that maniac go!"
I find it amusing because I drove a Checker cab in Los Angeles many years ago. I didn't overtly speed, but few cars passed me. I'm sure some people in other cars thought I was driving like a maniac. My personal car was a Volkswagen bug, so after I turned the cab in, I was the moron driving along too slowly. Same guy, same day.
It shows how we judge things relative to our own perceptions and preferences.
If those California drivers visit someplace else, like New York, they'd know that driving in other places has its own sense of too fast or too slow, although I could never tell what would be considered too fast there; it seemed all drivers there thought everyone else was too slow.