Huh?If I would've looked at this image, knowing that these are important C# 3.0 features, I would've read the accompanying article like medicine: something good for you but not too tasty.
Instead, this is from a screencast where Daniel Moth cleverly explains that this new LINQ stuff is really just a concise syntax of existing .NET 2.0/3.0 syntax and new seemingly minor specialty .NET 3.5 syntax.
This to me is one example where a screen demo is an efficient way to learn something.
I think it's a well-thought out example of using video for technical instruction.
Instructional demos ordinarily begin with the simplest case, then progressively add features, details, alternatives, complexities to adorn the bare-bones 'hello world' example.
In this case, the instructor takes something hairy and complex and shows how it's logically derived. He breaks down the syntax of this seemingly magic expression to show how all the pieces (keywords, variables, and operators) are just concise representations of standard syntax.
Check out either link:
Channel 9Decomposing LINQ