Two items for your consideration.
Even in rainy Portland, I found an electric mower had many advantages over traditional gas burning models. First, I never had to buy or store gasoline to get the thing running. Also, starting it was easier and it ran much quieter than my neighbors' mowers.
Perhaps most importantly, I was not walking behind the emissions equivalent of an out-of-tune auto. That can't be good for you.

When Mount St. Helens erupted, Portland was covered with a fine gray ash. I went to a safety supply company and bought some air filter masks. While there, I bought some safety ear protection. I found them to be very useful over the years. I used them for ear protection when I would mow the lawn, grind coffee beans, or do any loud hammering or banging.
You know that politically-incorrect stereotype of an old man cupping one hand around his ear and saying "Eh?" I believe our hearing does not degenerate significantly over time, only if we are exposed to loud noises again and again will our hearing ability likely diminish.
Although it may look funny to others, I'd suggest you consider both an electric mower and ear protection for yourself and those you love.