Small acts of kindnessSeveral years ago, I had trouble with asthma-like sneezing and coughing waking up in the middle of the night. From all the news stories, I figured it was dust mite allergies.
Even with thorough washing of the sheets and bedding, and effective removal of dust thanks to the wondrous Roomba (I consider one of the cleverest inventions of the 20th century, at least in the field of home appliances), I still would wake up coughing and sneezing.
A co-worker, I think his name was Cory, told me about an allergy products company in Georgia where I could get an enclosing mattress cover made of tightly woven microfiber that was breathable to let air circulate but fine enough to enclose dust mites and their waste products (which they say is what causes the allergic reaction).
The problem was solved immediately.
I have the feeling that when we look back and wrap up our lives, it is the small favors and random acts of kindness that will be most remembered. Wherever you are Cory, thanks.
PS. If you know somebody with a problem with dust mites, send them a link to this blog entry.
( is the direct link.)