Best dollar I ever spentWhile shopping for groceries, I bought a chives plant. I planted it outside in Portland, and every spring, thick green shoots of oniony goodness kept sprouting.
I would cut off a few long strands and with kitchen scissors, snipped little ringlets about 100th of an inch thick to toss on salads with iceberg chunks and whittled carrot strips and maybe avocado.
Sometimes I'd put blue cheese dressing (or 1000 island) on a microwaved baked potato and top with little bits of chive.
So, year after year, the plant died out in the Portland winter and came roaring back in the spring.
When I moved to Seattle last year, I dug up the plant and put it into a red clay pot. After coaxing it through the winter, it's now sending out green blades to top my enchiladas, salads, potatoes, and soups. Life is good.